Lists are such a convenient thing. Lately I'll make lists for things that I honestly would have no problem remembering mentally. But it makes me feel organized and accomplished when I look down and see all the items crossed off. When I decide not to make a list, regret inevitably follows...I forget the plastic forks or the ice. So, I have learned to always opt for making a list. The following is kind of the "grocery list" for the 21st year of my life. I will continue to add to my list along the way. But I'll attempt to make some headway tonight. Some things I'm including I've already done, but most are things I've decided I must do before my 22nd birthday. Roughly 355 days on the clock, here we go...
1. Skydive
2. Buy something vintage
3. Listen to a record, on a REAL record machine.
4. Pick up a hitchhiker (not alone)
5. NOT lose all the spanish I've learned over the past three years.
6. Read more books
7. Run a half marathon...yikess
8. Make ice cream from scratch
9. Swim a mile
10. Rescue an animal
11. Tye Dye my own T-shirt
12. Go on a picnic
13. Explore a new place
14. Learn to snowboard... and be decent
15. Make something crafty
16. Finish all the books I started, but never finished.
17. Become more politically educated
Ok so there's a few to get me started. I want to start posting pics along with my list as I check things off, but I am currently without a camera. Hopefully that will change soon.
This weekend was Davis and Leanne's Stock the BarGE shower. Here are a few pics that will sum up the day...
The bottom picture- group shotgun. Yeppp that's impressive.
Congrats D and Leanne!!
I am working on finishing my most recent book right now, A Million Miles in A Thousand Years By: Donald Miller. I'm loving it so far and I'm hoping to post some of my favorite quotes or lessons I've taken away from the book in the next couple of days.
New Band Of Horses CD- GET IT NOWWW. It grows on you. Dilly, Blue Beard, Laredo, and Compliments are the best tracks in my opinion. Some of the others get to moany and slow for me. But overall the CD is excellent... it won't disappoint.
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