I don't spend much time watching T.V. But when I do, I watch the Food Network. The only downside is I always find myself wandering into the kitchen during commercials. I love watching people make food. I end up learning new ways to cook and I also learn of great restaurants and recipes. Cory and I even visited a burger spot we saw on Man vs. Food. Man vs. Food is actually on the Travel Channel but it's a show about food, so naturally it's another one of my favorites. The restaurant is called Twisted Root Burger Co. in Dallas. I highly suggest it! I had a buffalo burger and Cory had a blue cheese burger with bacon. They were heaven.
Some other recent delicious foods I've enjoyed lately-
Fruit Cobbler at Z Tejas. There are no words to describe. This cobbler is served still sizzling in the skillet with a large scoop of melting vanilla ice cream. Enough said.
Reed's salad with Salmon at The Grove in Westlake. Everyone likes there salad's differently. But this salad was made for me. It has the perfect amount of dressing with carmelized pecans and feta cheese. The salmon was perfect. YUM! My girlfriend and I also shared a bottle of 2008 Sauvignon Blanc- Robert Oatley, from Western Australia. I can't wait to go back! I think it's becoming me and Hillary's spot...
I found this polish at a salon in Westlake the other day and couldn't resist. I think I've found my summer color!
The polish is called No Room For The Blues by OPI

Today I wandered through Anthropologie and really wanted to buy this.

And this.

And this.

But then I reminded myself I didn't need anything. And I walked very slowly to the exit...
I booked my flight to Colorado! I can't wait to be in the mountains. Cory and I leave July 23rd and come back August 1st. I'm so excited to hike and fly fish and get out of the heat for a while. I'm finallyyy going to hike Longs Peak. This summer is the summer! Here's a picture her massiveness...

Long's Peak is the only "fourteener" in Rocky Mountain National Park. My brother did it when he was 9. Ridiculous. July 23rd can't come soon enough!