Entering into my forth week as a Senior at Baylor is already stressing me out! So much to do. Vegas was a BLAST! Hillary and Rebecca and I hit the night scene pretty hard but we also took time to relax during the day. We went out to nice dinner with the Madres and relaxed by the pool during the day. We met people from all over the world (mainly boys...) and even gambled away some cash. I quickly learned that I am a very poor sport when it comes to gambling. After losing two hands at a 15 minimum table (30 dollars gone in about 2 minutes) my mood quickly turned into frustration. I stopped playing after that. The Asian women dealers are VICIOUS. We also saw the Beatles Love show, it was incredible!! Great music and great entertainment. Reb Hill and I managed to go to all the clubs we were hoping to see- TAO, XS and LAVO. They were all in sane and we didn't get home until 4:30 both nights. FRAT.
Recap of my first few weeks at Baylor...
- Dallas weekend for Katie's birthday! So fun!! Went out, ate chick-fil-a breakfast for the first time. I am obsessed now. Aand spent time with friends
-Davis and Leanne's wedding!! Very good dance parties with both sides of the fam.
-Parents weekend, Buffalo game
Next home game I aspire to run the Baylor line. It will happen... pictures to follow.
Here are some pics from Vegas!